Tarot Readings

Using my knowledge of tarot as well as years of experience of working in a helping profession and of course the guidance and messages from "spirit" I am able to give you a reading that will help you to navigate you life’s journey. I believe the guidance and messages you receive via the cards during a reading is a likely pathway into the future if all things remain as they are, however nothing is set in stone, you absolutely can change your path by how you think, feel and behave; free will trumps everything.

Tarot is a tool of enlightenment and empowerment. It has within it deep wisdom; the cards accurately reflect aspects of our life journey. Tarot offers a level of insight into incoming energy, themes, options to help your navigate your own pathway.

I have had some amazing experiences being a reader and readee with tarot and I genuinely feel that tarot has positively impacted my life, my pathway forward and my spiritual journey. I have found that tarot has helped me to live a more empowered life.

Tarot is a tool that has changed and enhanced many aspects of my life and that is my intention whenever I read for someone else.

Other divination tools I work with are runes, oracle cards and a pendulum. I am happy to incorporate these tools into your reading, the choice is yours!