• Tarot readings & divination

  • Akashic Record Readings & healings

  • Spiritual & emotional support

  • Sacred Space Art

Soul Focus is a holistic service that offers empathy, support and guidance primarily through Tarot readings, Akashic readings, healings and spiritual support. I aim to help you live an empowered, meaningful life however that looks for you!


  • Mini readings (Tarot or Akashic), distance only $50 NZD.

  • Full Tarot reading: 1-1.5 hours in duration, either in-person or distance, $90 NZD.

  • Akashic Record reading: 1-1.5 hours in duration, either in-person or distance, $90 NZD.

  • Emotional Healing in the Akashic Records 1-1.5 hours in duration either in-person or distance, $90 NZD.

  • Soul Support Package: includes energy clearing, Tarot or Akashic reading, intuitive/channeled messages, spiritual and emotional guidance, 2-2.5 hours in duration. Either in-person or distance, $160 NZD.

  • Tarot workshops: minimum of four people, $80 NZD per person.

  • Gift Vouchers are available.

  • Sacred Space art $200 - $600 NZD depending on size, and subject matter.

Check out my social media pages for various spreads or feel free to contact me to discuss a spread that may work for you.

Facebook: Soul Focus Tarot

Instagram: Soulfocustarot

Spiritual Support

I have been on my own spiritual journey which changed my beliefs, values and the way in which I approach and live my life.

I understand the importance of spirituality. I know that through finding our spiritual selves we can begin to live a life of purpose and alignment, we can heal and grow and find a sense of contentment and peace that we may have never imagined. We can live empowered lives.

I use my experiences within my own journey as well my own spiritual abilities and knowledge to support you in your own life path. Additionally, I bring with me a myriad of professional qualifications including a degree in Social Science, a Diploma in Arts and various other qualifications in human development, trauma informed care and clinical supervision. I have over ten years experience of working with individuals and families in very complex and challenging situations within my previous profession as a Social Worker. I am also a qualified Reiki practitioner (level 2).

At Soul Focus you will receive a high level of empathy as well as practical and spiritual support. You will feel heard, understood and believed. I will hold space for you and help you navigate your pathway forward in your own life journey, however that looks for you.

My Promise

  • At Soul Focus, we incorporate spirituality, creativity and self care into the helping process. There is an opportunity for ongoing spiritual and emotional support if this feels right for you.

  • Tarot Reading are entirely client led. Shelly will provide guidence you need to move forward with a sense of purpose and a renewed feeling of hope.

  • Shelly will work with you, truly listening and giving you the empathy and understanding you deserve. You will leave a session feeling that have found additional wisdom, guidence and support to help you on your lifes journey.

Get in touch to discuss the next steps.

Your privacy and anonymity are of the highest importance to us. Rest assured your information is safe and secure.